A focused review of the respiratory complications of cancer therapy
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CPDThe respiratory system is a common site for complications of cancer and cancer therapy. Several of the respiratory complications are related to immuno-suppression secondary to the underlying cancer and its treatments or a hyper-immune response to cancer therapy or therapy-related toxicity.
These complications occur in patients with solid organ malignancies and those with haematological malignancies. The increasing repertoire of novel cancer therapies including the use of targeted therapies, immune check point inhibitors and immuno-therapy (e.g. CAR-T cell therapy) will no doubt increase the incidence of respiratory complications in these individuals.
This talk focuses on pulmonary complications of targeted therapies and immune checkpoint of inhibitors used in solid tumours and important pulmonary complications seen in haematologic malignancies.
- To be aware of important pulmonary complications in patients treated for cancer.
- To understand the risk factors for pulmonary complications during treatment of solid organ and haematological malignancy.
- To understand the diagnostic approach and treatment of pulmonary complications in patients with cancer.
Dr Ricardo José is a consultant in respiratory medicine. His clinical expertise includes acute and chronic respiratory infections, bronchiectasis, immunodeficiency and respiratory disease associate with cancer.
Dr José has a clinic dedicated to the management of respiratory infection and respiratory disease in patients with primary and secondary immunodeficiency.
He is a Honorary Associate Professor at UCL Respiratory and continues his research interest in host susceptibility and pathogenesis of respiratory infections.
Learn more about Dr Ricardo Jose, his research interests, publications and teaching here.
Dr Jeffrey Thompson is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Hospital of University of Pennsylvania and the Veteran’s Administration Medical Center.
Dr Thompson’s clinical expertise is in advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy, the evaluation and management of patients with lung nodules and thoracic malignancies, and pulmonary complications of cancer therapeutics. Dr Thompson’s primary research focus is on the development and validation of molecular markers for the treatment selection and monitoring of patients with lung cancer.
Learn more about Dr Jeffrey Thompson and his expertise here.
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Curated For :
Allied Health Professional & Nurse & Primary care doctors & StudentsSubject :
Respiratory medicine1 Hour

Curated For :
Primary care doctors & Secondary care doctorsSubject :
Respiratory medicine55 minutes