All you ever wanted to know about interstitial lung disease
Curated for

CPDProfessor Gisli Jenkins provides an overview of the epidemiology, presentation, diagnosis and management of interstitial lung diseases.
This talk focuses on pulmonary fibrosis, including recognising key co-morbidities, casual risk factors, the diagnostic pathway and management strategies for this life limiting set of lung conditions.
- Understand the common presenting symptoms of Interstitial Lung Disease (focusing on Pulmonary Fibrosis)
- Understand the burden of Interstitial Lung Disease in the General (primary care) Population
- Recognise common causal risk factors and co-morbidities associated with Interstitial Lung Diseases
- Recognise the importance of prompt diagnosis and be familiar with the diagnostic pathway for Interstitial Lung Diseases
- Understand current treatment approaches for Interstitial Lung Diseases
Professor Gisli Jenkins is a respiratory physician, managing interstitial lung disease, alongside being a scientist studying how the lung responds to injury to further understand what drives progressive pulmonary fibrosis, repair and regeneration.
Professor Jenkins has been the joint editor-in-chief of the official journal of the British Thoracic Society since 2015 and was chair of the British Thoracic Society Science and Research Committee from 2016-2018.
In addition, he is also the President of Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis and is the Principle Investigator of the Global REMAP-ILD study.
Learn more about Professor Gisli Jenkins, his clinical expertise and publications here
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Curated For :
Primary care doctors & Secondary care doctors & StudentsSubject :
Respiratory medicine1 Hour

Curated For :
Allied Health Professional & Nurse & Primary care doctors & StudentsSubject :
Respiratory medicine1 Hour

Curated For :
Primary care doctors & Radiographers / technologists & Secondary care doctors & StudentsSubject :
Respiratory medicine30 Minutes