Maintenance oral corticosteroids for severe eosinophilic asthma
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CPDAsthma is the most common chronic respiratory condition in the world.
Professor Andrew Menzies-Gow discusses the current European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved biological treatments for severe asthma and the current evidence for OCS use in asthma. The talk overviews the PONENTE Study, an open-label, single-arm study that included nearly 600 adults with severe, eosinophilic asthmas receiving benralizumab.
- Discuss why we need to change the paradigm of OCS use in asthma
- Discuss OCS-sparing effects of omalizumab, mepolizumab, reslizumab, dupliumab
- PONENTE study; its design and inclusion criteria and why it is important in terms of changing our clinical practice
Professor Andrew Menzies-Gow is a consultant in respiratory medicine with a particular interest in patients with severe asthma or asthma that is difficult to control.
Learn more about Professor Andrew Menzies-Gow, his research interests and teaching here.
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