Understanding and treatment of the pulmonary lymphatic disorders using novel lymphatic imaging
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CPDProfessor Maxim Itkin explores pulmonary lymphatic disorders using novel lymphatic imaging. This talk reviews treatment and how it is affected in abnormal and normal pulmonary lymphatic flow.
- To gain insights into dynamic enhanced MR lymphangiography
- To understand abnormal and normal pulmonary lymphatic flow
- To gain knowledge on Plastic bronchitis
To review case studies on adult PB and obesity - To gain knowledge on lymphatic malformations
Professor Maxim Itkin is a professor of radiology and paediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania and Nemours Children’s Hospital.
Professor Itkin is nationally and internationally recognised for his clinical and research expertise in an interventional treatment of the lymphatic disorders. Over the past 20 years, he has been actively involved in the development of image-guided interventions of the lymphatic system as a treatment of lymphatic leakage disorders.
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