Understanding disease through population-scale immune monitoring
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CPDThe immune system is incredibly important to our health. There is a real need to understand the immune system at a population scale, so to effectively understand all its complexity.
This Royal Brompton Hospital Respiratory Medicine Virtual Grand Round, Dr Adam Laing discusses how his research team has used novel high-throughput flow cytometry to dissect clinical heterogeneity to understand the immune signatory of COVID-19 during acute infection and the potential applicability to other cardiorespiratory disease.
- Gain familiarity on systems immunology to understand genetic basis of immunity
- Learn how to immune monitor in COVID-19
- Insights into a platform for population-scale immune understanding
Dr Adam Laing is a Chief Scientific Officer at melio and a research associate at King’s College London.
Dr Laing’s research focusses on using novel high-throughput flow cytometry to dissect clinical heterogeneity. His research has been published in Nature Medicine, Cancer cell, Immunity and Nature Communications.
Learn more about Dr Adam Laing and his publications here.
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