The evolution of TEVAR strategies in the management of aortic dissection
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CPDProfessor Christoph A Nienaber, consultant cardiologist is joined by Professor Sherif Essam, vascular surgeon, Ain Shams University Hospital, Cairo, to discuss the evolution of thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) strategies.
This talk focuses on the type a and type b aortic dissection, patient case studies and the management of surgical techniques, with a closer look at TEVAR strategies. Guidelines and risk factors will be discussed and management of these patients.
- Risk stratification and the importance of preoperative planning.
- A closer look at the types of surgical techniques and the evolution of TEVAR.
- Type A and Type B aortic dissection
- Guideline recommendations for aortic dissection and risk factors.
- The way forward – learning points
Professor Christoph A Nienaber is a consultant cardiologist at Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals whose clinical expertise extends to aortic dissection, aortic stenosis, aneurysm and stenotic lesions of aorta, coronaries and peripheral vessels, and adult coarctation as well as hereditary connective tissue diseases.
Learn more about Professor Nienaber, his clinical interests and research and teaching experience.
Professor Sherif Essam, is a specialist in vascular and endovascular surgery and currently works at the Department of Vascular surgery, Ain Shams University Hospital, Cairo. Professor Essam is involved in researching haematology and cardiothoracic surgery.
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Curated For :
Radiographers / technologists & Secondary care doctors & Tertiary care doctorsSubject :
Cardiac surgery & Cardiology1 hour 25 minutes