Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals Grand Rounds 2022.
Thursday November 17, 5pmÂ
This virtual Grand Round will be presented by Professor Divaka Perera, a consultant cardiologist and professor of interventional cardiology in the School of Cardiovascular Medicine & Sciences at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospital and King’s College London. He graduated from Cambridge University, trained in cardiology in London and Sussex and received a Clinical Senior Lectureship Award from the Higher Education Funding Council for England in 2008. In 2013, he received the Michael Davies Early Career Award for Outstanding Contribution to Cardiovascular Science by the British Cardiovascular Society.
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He runs a translational clinical research programme on myocardial ischaemia, acute coronary syndromes and valve disease. He is the chief investigator of the NIHR-funded UK multi-centre randomised control trial REVIVED, which clarified the role of revascularisation in patients with ischaemic left ventricular dysfunction (NEJM August 22, 2022)
In addition, Divaka Perera teaches undergraduate medical students and supervises postgraduate researchers towards an MSc, MD and PhD degrees at King’s College London. He has numerous peer-reviewed publications, including original manuscripts, editorials, reviews, and book chapters.