Dr Rebecca Lane is a consultant interventional cardiologist and treats NHS and private patients at Harefield Hospital, where she has worked since 2004 and was appointed as a consultant in 2008.
She qualified at St George’s Hospital Medical School in London and completed her specialist training in cardiology with the London Deanery.
Dr Rebecca Lane has extensive experience in the management of patients with valve disease, coronary artery disease, arrhythmias and heart failure.
At Harefield Hospital, she is the clinical lead for its heart failure, pacing and device services. She also developed and runs the rapid access heart failure clinic in partnership with a team of specialist heart failure nurses.
Dr Lane has extensive experience in device implantation, including all types of pacemakers, cardiac resynchronisation therapy, defribillators and biventricular pacing. She is also the primary implanter of a range of new leadless pacing technologies and regularly performs laser lead extraction.
Her other areas of expertise include coronary angioplasty and routinely performs primary angioplasty (PPCI) as part of Harefield Hospitals’ renowned heart attack service.
Dr Lane is closely involved with clinical research trials, including the recruitment of patients to a number of important studies.
Dr Lane is passionate about education and training and runs a number of successful courses. She is the co-training programme director for specialist registrar training in North West London where she is responsible for approximately 70 cardiology trainees.
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