Cardiac sarcoidosis
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CPDMany primary care physicians and even specialists do not know how to effectively manage sarcoidosis patients, who are the most common interstitial lung disease patient.
This talk provides an overview on sarcoidosis as an inflammatory disease that can affect multiple organs and and delves into how we should treat and monitor patients, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Gain familiarity on when to consider treatment in sarcoidosis
- Learn what treatments options there are
- Learn how patients on treatments should be monitored
- Understand how monitoring patients can be affects by COVID-19 pandemic
Dr Vasilis Kouranos, is a consultant respiratory physician at Royal Brompton Hospital, specialising in interstitial lung disease, sarcoidosis, and general respiratory problems.
Dr Kouranos has established the Royal Brompton Hospital Cardiac Sarcoidosis Registry, which is the largest in the world. In addition, he is the author of over 60 peer-reviewed articles, including original papers, editorials, abstracts and book chapters.
Learn more about Dr Vasilis Kouranos, his research and clinical experience here.
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Curated For :
Primary care doctors & StudentsSubject :
Respiratory medicine55 Minutes

Curated For :
Primary care doctorsSubject :
Cardiology & Respiratory medicine1 hour